Articles for October 2016

We Built a Fake Web Toaster, and It Was Hacked in an Hour

Last week, a massive chain of hacked computers simultaneously dropped what they were doing and blasted terabytes of junk data to a set of key servers, temporarily shutting down access to popular sites in the eastern U.S. and beyond. There are around a couple billion public IPv4 addresses out there; any one of those might have a server, a desktop computer, or a toaster plugged in at the other end. Renting a small server from Amazon, I gussied it up to look like an unsecured web device, opening a web port that hackers commonly use to remotely control computers. Instead of allowing real access, though, I set up a false front: Hackers would think they were logging into a server, but I’d really just record their keystrokes and IP addresses.

Source: We Built a Fake Web Toaster, and It Was Hacked in an Hour


Revslider, MailPoet, GravityForms Exploits Bypass Cloudflare WAF – Wordfence

Last week we blogged about the advantages of endpoint security over a cloud firewall solution. We wrote about how cloud WAFs can be bypassed. We also blogged about how it is more challenging for a cloud WAF provider to write complex firewall rules because cloud WAFs don’t know if a user is signed in or what their […]

Source: Revslider, MailPoet, GravityForms Exploits Bypass Cloudflare WAF – Wordfence


MBRFilter — Open Source Tool to Protect Against ‘Master Boot Record’ Malware

Ransomware threat has risen exponentially so much that ransomware authors have started abusing the MBR in their attacks to lock down your entire computer instead of just encrypting your important files on hard drive.

Talos team at Cisco Systems has released a free, open-source tool that protects the master boot record (MBR) sector of computers from modification by bootkits, ransomware, and other malicious attacks.

Master Boot Record (MBR) is the first sector (512 bytes) on your Hard drive that stores the bootloader, a piece of code that is responsible for booting the current Operating System.

Source: MBRFilter — Open Source Tool to Protect Against ‘Master Boot Record’ Malware
