Articles for November 2018

This worm spreads a fileless version of the Trojan Bladabindi | ZDNet

A new worm has been discovered which spreads a modern variant of the remote access tool (RAT) Bladabindi.

According to researchers from Trend Micro, the worm spreads Bladabindi — also known as njRAT/Njw0rm — in a fileless form by propagating through removable drives and storage.

InĀ a blog post on Tuesday, the cybersecurity team said Bladabindi has been recompliled, refreshed, and rehashed for years, leading to its presence in countless cyberespionage campaigns.

Source: This worm spreads a fileless version of the Trojan Bladabindi | ZDNet


US Cyber Command starts uploading foreign APT malware to VirusTotal | ZDNet

On Monday, the Cyber National Mission Force (CNMF), a subordinate unit of US Cyber Command (USCYBERCOM), set in motion a new initiative through which the DOD would share malware samples it discovered on its networks with the broader cybersecurity community.

The CNMF kicked off this new project by creating an account on VirusTotal, an online file scanning service that also doubles as an online malware repository, and by uploading two malware samples.

In addition, USCYBERCOM also created a new Twitter account where it would tweet a link to all new VirusTotal malware uploads.

Source: US Cyber Command starts uploading foreign APT malware to VirusTotal | ZDNet
