Articles for March 2017

Did Russia’s election hacking break international law? Even the experts aren’t sure | ZDNet

Grey areas in international law still exist when it comes to state-backed hacking and cyber operations.

For months, US intelligence agencies have been pointing the finger of blame at Russia over a series of hacks against organizations involved in last year’s presidential election, including the Democratic National Committee (DNC).

Russia has consistently denied any involvement in the hacking campaign. While the attacks were condemned by President Obama, who expelled Russian diplomats as a result, it’s not actually clear whether hacking of the DNC, if carried out by Russia or another country, broke international law.

Source: Did Russia’s election hacking break international law? Even the experts aren’t sure | ZDNet


How A Simple Command Typo Took Down Amazon S3 and Big Chunk of the Internet

Whoops… a TYPO!!

The major internet outage across the United States earlier this week was not due to any virus or malware or state-sponsored cyber attack, rather it was the result of a simple TYPO.

Amazon on Thursday admitted that an incorrectly typed command during a routine debugging of the company’s billing system caused the 5-hour-long outage of some Amazon Web Services (AWS) servers on Tuesday.

The issue caused tens of thousands of websites and services to become completely unavailable, while others show broken images and links, which left online users around the world confused.

 The sites and services affected by the disruption include Quora, Slack, Medium, Giphy, Trello, Splitwise, Soundcloud, and IFTTT, among a ton of others.

Source: How A Simple Command Typo Took Down Amazon S3 and Big Chunk of the Internet
